Recap of Nov, 2016 Reconnaissance Trip

Watch the videos below for a recap of what happened in November, 2016 as Lísley, Laura and Alejandra worked with Capitão to get ready for the expedition!

It started in Manaus, Brazil—Pedro Santos and Lísley Lemos load huge trunks full of gear into Pedro’s car en route to the airport.

Join Laura’s tour of construction happening on the dry-docked Houseboat Amazon (Barco Bruno)! When the rains come in, this boat will float. - Next 2 videos (parts B and C).

Lísley and Capitão discuss creating a place for HBA team members to work under a back porch complete with a mosquiteiro (in Portuguese).

Capitão tells Lísley he will arrange for a Houseboat Amazon flag we can fly on the boat! And then Lísley tells us about it in English! (next 2 videos, Parts E and F)

Then Laura and Capitão head off on the moto. 


Big Picture Overview of HBA


Insects are Better than You